michelle castro photography

Saturday, February 9, 2013

baby balin | preview

There is little sweeter than a tiny little baby!!! This morning I had the privilege of photographing sweet little Balin . . . born just nine short days ago!!!! He was so precious!!! His big sister, Elliana, was just a doll!! She made sure that he wasn’t in need of anything . . . as soon as he cried, she was right there!  She even offered her Princess Rapunzel to him at one point . . . such a sweet sacrifice!  I love to see the difference between boys and girls . . . Elliana was quick to mother her new LIVE dolly!  We even had a fun little shoot with her while baby was eating . . . I just love those sweet moments in between . . . the ones you don’t expect!  She was happy to show me her puzzles and do a little jumping on the bed, if kids knew all that they could get away with when I was around they’d want me there all the time!!! hee hee!!!!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend . . . mine has certainly started off in a wonderful way!!!









michelle castro photography | michelle@michellecastrophotography.com

she said, “YES!” | “I do!” | “oh my!” | newborns | kiddos | families
all images are copyrighted by michelle castro photography

Thursday, February 7, 2013

What? I can’t have ALL of the images!!!

It is not uncommon for a client to ask me if they can have ALL of the images from our shoot . . . the answer is no and here’s a perfect example why!

Check out this image from the Super Bowl last Sunday!
Not every shot is as flattering as we may hope.
This might be a slightly extreme example, but I think you get the point!

Have a great day!



michelle castro photography | michelle@michellecastrophotography.com

she said, “YES!” | “I do!” | “oh my!” | newborns | kiddos | families
all images are copyrighted by michelle castro photography

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

a sweet moment {personal}

I don’t know what it’s like in your house, but life starts when the girls hear their daddy walk through the front door!!!  I could be creating  something amazing for dinner, washed the floors on my hands and knees, vacuumed the entire house, and topped it all off with cupcakes, but when daddy comes home the squeals of joy and exhilaration are unmatched!!! And to be perfectly honest, I wouldn’t have it any other way!!!  My girls A D O R E their daddy!!!
Yesterday, he came home early from work and went for a little bike ride (don’t be jealous on the spandex) . . . anyways, the girls were playing outside and Madelynn saw her prince charming (aka daddy) riding up . . . she SCREAMED, “Daddy’s home! Daddy’s home!!!” and ran right up to him for a kiss!!!  These are the moments that I want to remember FOREVER!!!

I did have to ask for a reenactment, since, hard as it may seem, I didn’t actually have my camera on me . . . but her joy was just as real the second time around!!!
I am so grateful for my husband and his deep, deep love for his girls!!! They are very fortunate!!!  I know what it is to have an amazing daddy to look up to!! It is a blessed thing!!!


This is the “I only have eyes for my daddy” look!

michelle castro photography | michelle@michellecastrophotography.com

she said, “YES!” | “I do!” | “oh my!” | newborns | kiddos | families
all images are copyrighted by michelle castro photography