michelle castro photography

Friday, March 29, 2013

my last two-year old | madelynn hope

If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a MILLION times . . . “they grow up so quickly!” . . . I can remember oohing and awing over my first precious girl . . . faintly hearing older, wiser parents telling me to enjoy each of these precious moments as she was going to grow very fast.  Well . . . tonight I sit here on the eve of my youngest daughter’s THIRD BIRTHDAY . . . and I not just prepare for another year, but I say good-bye to the fact that I won’t ever be the mother of a two-year old again!  My little baby girl!!!  Three . . . she’s going to be THREE!!!!  Man, I really can’t believe that this precious little one is growing so quickly!!!  I’m so completely in love with this little girl . . . she is the sweetest little stinker pants!!




I love you sweet girl and I am completely blessed and honored to be your mama!!!


michelle castro photography | michelle@michellecastrophotography.com

she said, “YES!” | “I do!” | “oh my!” | newborns | kiddos | families
all images are copyrighted by michelle castro photography

Thursday, March 28, 2013

My Styled Shoot is Being Featured!!! | Newhall Mansion

A couple of months ago I stumbled across the magnificent Newhall Mansion in Piru, California . . . about 15 minutes away from my house . . . as soon as I saw it I KNEW I had to do something there . . . my photographer brain cells were popping with a million ideas!!! I’ll do a full post very soon, but for now the shoot has been featured on the Jess Collective blog and I couldn’t be MORE thrilled!!!!  I feel a little like I’m giving my Academy Awards speech, but I really am so thankful for all of the AMAZING vendors who gave of their time and talent to make this shoot a reality.  My partner in crime for all things creative, the AMAZING, Kelly Meyer of Kelly Meyer Events is to be highly praised!!! I love her to death and so thankful for her!!!! 


Here’s one . . . two of my FAVORITES from the shoot!!!  SO MANY MORE TO COME!!!



michelle castro photography | michelle@michellecastrophotography.com

she said, “YES!” | “I do!” | “oh my!” | newborns | kiddos | families
all images are copyrighted by michelle castro photography

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

pure sweetness

Snips, snails, and puppy dog tails . . . isn’t that what little boys are made of?
Well . . . these little boys are pretty darn precious and as sweet as can be!



20130318_0006__mcphotography2012_BENJAMIN-NEWBORN_PREVIEWI love those tender moments between a mother and her sweet baby!
Little Benjamin was just about two weeks old when we met . . . he wasn’t very interested in
sleeping during his session, but he’s just too cute it doesn’t really matter!


20130312_0006__mcphotography2012_CHASE-LUNA_PREVIEWMr. Chase got a kick out of his balloons popping!  He thought it was the most hysterical thing and
proceeded to pop all but one of his balloons!  Stay tuned for his new role as Big Brother!


I love this shot . . . little Balin looks like he’s praying! So sweet! 
His sister was very eager to get in on the action, but we had to include Rapunzel.


Sweet little Aiden . . . he is such a peanut and slept just about the whole time! 
I love his small little features and those precious fingers.  I can’t help but recite Psalm 139
every time I see a precious baby . . . they were all knit in their mother’s womb by the great Creator, God!

michelle castro photography | michelle@michellecastrophotography.com

she said, “YES!” | “I do!” | “oh my!” | newborns | kiddos | families
all images are copyrighted by michelle castro photography

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Seriously HYSTERICAL!!

Yes . . . I have a considerable amount of catching up to do, BUT, I ran across this and really just HAD to share!!!
Take a moment to read the reviews on this
little diddy . . . I promise you will be on the floor in HYSTERICS!!!
